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Saint Patrick Knights of Columbus Council - # 13307

April 2006 Newsletter

Grand Knight’s Column

 Brother Knights


By the time you read this months newsletter the Lenten Fish Dinners will be a fond memory. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere THANKS to all the brothers and their wives who have helped at our 6 dinners this year. Without your help we could not have had such a successful Lenten dinner season.  We set an all time record of tickets sold for our Saint Patrick Day Corned Beef Dinner with 404. Our first fish dinner on March 3rd was a sell out in a little over an hour. Our second dinner set an all time record for fish dinners at 311.Our overall average attendance this year of 297 per dinner which was up 35% over 2005. We sold a total of 1,780 dinner tickets this year, which is more than twice what we did in our first year.   Again my personal thanks to all who worked so hard to make this years dinners such a success.


I would like to Thank Ron Kosey and Jim McBride for their hard work co-chairing this years Handicap Drive. We were able with the help of a number of our brothers to collect $2,112.35. At our April meeting the membership voted to increase the councils donation to each of the organizations to an even $1,000 after we get the funds back from the state.

I would like to welcome Hans Dahl a new brother who has joined our Council and will be taking his First Degree on April 12th.


As we mentioned in our March Newsletter this month will begin the distribution of our newsletter via email to all those brothers for whom we have email addresses. There will be copies of the newsletter available at the meetings in case you want a paper copy. The April letter will be available at the May meeting. Also remember that the newsletter is also available on line at our web site.


We will be holding our Membership Blitz Dive on the weekend of April 29th and 30th. On Sunday April 30th we will hold our annual free parish breakfast for all the parishioners. Brother Bob Marrah has agreed to head up this membership blitz and will need your help to make it a success. Sign up sheets were passed around at the March meeting for helpers. Remember to ask someone to join the Knights this month.


May you and your family have a very Happy and Blessed Easter.


Fraternally yours in Christ

John Pecilunas, Grand Knight  



Nominations Committee made it’s report for the Council Officers for 2006 – 2007:  Mike Keller the chair of the nominations committee announced at the April 2nd meeting the following as their recommendations for the Council Officers:


Grand Knight – John Pecilunas

Deputy Grand Knight – Robert Marrah

Chancellor – Robert Hunter

Warden – John Smith

Recorder – Gregory Goldstein

Treasurer – Ron Kosey

Inside Guard – Thomas Moak

Outside Guard – Reggie Boucher

Advocate – Gene Murphy

3rd Year Trustee – Wayne Peterson

2nd Year Trustee – Ed Sassa

1st Year Trustee – Chuck Biondolillo


Elections will be held at the June 1st Business Meeting. The floor will be open for Nominations at both the May and the June meeting. 


Officers, Council #13307


Father George Brennan-----------------------378-1703

Grand Knight

John Pecilunas---------------------------------379-4047

Deputy Grand Knight

Robert Marrah---------------------------------378-9076


Wayne Becker---------------------------------929-3652


Gregory Goldstein ---------------------------371-7088

Financial Secretary

Robert Rivers----------------------------------378-5132


Ronald Kosey----------------------------------927-5118


Eugene Murphy-------------------------------379-9392


Eugene Murphy-------------------------------379-9392


John Smith-------------------------------------929-9250

Officers, Council #13307 Con’t

Inside Guard

Tom Moak-------------------------------------378-1372

Outside Guard

Reggie Boucher------------------------------- 929-7067


3yr------Edward Sessa------------------------923-8029

2yr -----Chuck Biondolillo PGK-----------922-2290

1yr---—James McBride----------------------342-9917



Knight of the Month

       April  - Tom Moak

 Family of the Month

    April  - Wayne and Marie Becker


Faithful Navigator Report                 

Dear Sir Knights and Ladies:


            Spring has sprung and all is well.  The Baseball Games are done and so are the Lenten Fish Fries.  April is not only a time for us to slow down and recharge our batteries, but to celebrate the Holy Season of Easter; a time when Jesus suffered for our sins, died, was buried, and arose to Heaven to sit at the right hand of God. 

            March was a little disconcerting because of so many things occurring at the same time.  March is also the month that we usually take part in the Venice Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade.  Because of unforeseen insurance restrictions, we had to obtain a policy that would cover not only Council 3358’s building and all its activities, but we needed to have the Trailer (which we use as our parade float) insured as well.  By the time this task was completed, it was only days from the Parade.  Many of our Sir Knights, as well as those of the Venice Assembly, cannot walk the parade route and need to ride on the float.  Since it was so late, I had to make the decision to call it off this year.  Hopefully, we will be able to attend in large numbers next year with our float all decorated and ready to present our Assembly in fine fashion.

            Another bit of bad news for our Assembly is the canceling of the 20-Wk. Club.   What we need to do, is only have one 20-Wk. Club function each year; not two.  There is not enough participation for us to carry two each year.  In order for us to make a profit, we need a certain amount of tickets sold.  If we don’t sell enough tickets, we will actually lose money, and we definitely don’t want to do that.   It was getting later and later, and we still hadn’t sold enough tickets, so again, I had to make the decision to scrap it for this year.  I hope that the Assembly can run the 20-Wk. Club in the first half of the year during the next term, because we can certainly use the money. 

            Now on a lighter note, our “Annual Patriotic Ball” is being held on Saturday May 20th, starting with a social hour at 5:30 pm .  This is the “Gala Event” for our Assembly, and once again we will be honoring the Service Person of the Year from MacDill Air Force Base.   The Fourth Degree is the “Patriotic” arm of the Knights of Columbus and this is indeed, a “Patriotic” event.  Please, as in past years, make this a memorable one by buying your tickets early and attending this fine affair.  As you know, we are at War in the Far East and we have literally thousands of Military men and women in harms way.  This is one of the ways that we can show our support for our troops.   Please show your support; come and Celebrate this event and also, don’t forget to Pray for those in harms way.

            Our next Officers Meeting has been moved to Wed. April 19th, so please make note of it.  Our next regular Business Meeting is Thurs, April 27th, when the Nominating Committee will present its slate of Officer Candidates.   So until next month, I am;

Fraternally, Your Faithful Navigator

Mike Boccarossa



Monsignor Elsander Assembly # 0167

Faithful Friar

Fr. Carl Birarelli -----------------------------------------

Faithful Navigator

Michael Boccarossa---------------- 921-5919

Faithful Captain

Otto Emerson PGK-----------------351-3396

Faithful Admiral

Don Donovan PFN-----------------378-3933

Faithful Pilot


Faithful Comptroller

Bob Alloca----------------------------342-9984

Faithful Scribe

Frank Manfredo PGK---------------795-0154

Faithful Purser

Bill Ballard PGK----------------------925-4373

3yr Trustee

Joe Galestro PGK/PFN/FDD-------923-2584

2year Trustee

Sam Perri PFN------------------------927-2803

1year Trustee

Sal Naimo PFN-----------------------922-4088

Faithful Inside Sentinel

 Tom Johnson------------------------780-2790

Faithful Outside Sentinel

 Reggie Boucher---------------------751-2439




Council #13307 -Ladies Auxiliary 

Dear Ladies:

Happy Easter!

The Fashion Show was a huge success thanks to all of the good planning and hard work of Corky Pezzati.  She did a wonderful job.  It was sad that she was sick then and could not be there to see the end result.  Marie Palazzo did an outstanding job filling in for Corky at the Fashion Show.  The models looked beautiful in all of the fashions.  Many thanks to all of the ladies who worked so hard to make it the success that it was.  The raffle on the baskets was also a huge success.  We made more money on the raffle than we did on the Fashion show.  It was suggested that that we start to collect items for the baskets now in preparation for next year’s Fashion Show baskets raffle.  If you have anything to donate, please bring them to the next meeting.


I want to thank the ladies who helped at the Fish Dinners this year and also the ladies who baked or bought cakes.  The Knights really appreciated the cakes. Some ladies did not come to any of the Fish Dinners at all this year and did not bake or bring cakes.  It was the same ladies every week who donated the cakes for the dinners.   Everyone raved about how good the fish was and they loved the homemade desserts.  My husband and I heard that from everyone as they were leaving the Parish Center.  Again, thank you for the cakes and for supporting the Knights.


Our next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 5, 2006.  Please attend.  We have future events to plan and would like your input and help.


If you hear of any member that is ill, please notify Geri Welch at 371-8667.  Please pray for peace and for our men and women serving in the military.

God Bless and keep all of you.

Barbara J. Piccione, President


Knights Of Columbus Insurance

Brother Knights


 ...If your wife became a widow, funds are created automatically...immediately and at the least possible cost.


...Only life insurance will provide a steady income--a guaranteed amount month after month.  With a check coming in monthly, she can budget accordingly.

...Life insurance gives her a precious freedom of choice:

            *she can work if she wants to--as a hobby --not as a necessity.

            *she can live with her grown children--as a welcome visitor.

            *she can call on charitable agencies if she likes--to offer help, not ask for it.

Life insurance is nothing less than an expression of your respect, your concern, and your love for your wife and your family.

CALL ME TODAY, AT (941) 776-2902


Fraternally, Ronald A. Foley, Field Agent

K of C Insurance Programs


Congratulations         Birthdays

April Members

Joe Diedrich


Reggie Boucher


Raymond Desrosiers


Fred Gibson


Ernie Forchetti



April Wives

Patricia Gibbons


Jenni McGinn


Carol Sterlace



May Members

Fred Pupke, III


Father M. Scheip


Gerald Nilles


Joseph Parotino


Vincente Medina


Jorge Sardina


John Kerrigan


Paul Mostek


Gerald McGinn


Albert Lucibello


George Wolfe


Sam Porcelli



May Wives

Margaret Barclay


Bridgitte Murphy


Joes Gibson


Lindsay Evans


Maureen Marrah


Valerie McPartland


LaVerne Petzold



Wedding Anniversary


Joseph and Diane Parotino


Dominick and Marie Palazzo


Fred and Linda Pupke




Robert and Lynda Kucera


Ozro and Margaret Barclay


James and Abby McBride


James and Carol Sterlace


George and Carolyn Andello


Michael and Donna Kisielewski


Reggie and Chris Boucher



If we have failed to list your wife, her birthday (just the month and day,) your birthday, or your wedding anniversary, it just might be that we were never given that information. Please e-mail me or give the info to me at any meeting


Prayer Line

For D.D. Lenny Anzalone--- effects of Stroke

For Evelio Sardina—Prostate Cancer

For Vic D’Amato’s sister Maria LaMarchia with Cancer

For Tom Moak’s son who is serving in Iraq

For Bob Marrahs  Mother in law Cecile Geddes

For Jack McGinn who has had Eye Surgury

For Marjorie Diedrich with Spinal Stenosis

Ron Kosey’ Father-in-Law- Blood Clot

For our Pope, Benedict XVI

Our men and women of the Armed Services who are in harm’s way

For the Leaders of our Country, that they will seek the paths to everlasting peace.


Sickness or death

If you know or hear of a Brother Knight or members of his family who are sick or have died, please notify:

   John Pecilunas, Grand Knight-----379-4047

   Fr  George Brennan, Chaplain ----378-1703

   Robert Marrah, Deputy G. K.-----378-9076

   Wayne Becker Chancellor---------929-3652


Have you asked someone to join the Knight’s TODAY!

Saint Patrick Knights of Columbus Council 13307  
7900 Bee Ridge Road  * Sarasota  * FL * 34241