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Saint Patrick Knights of Columbus Council - # 13307
March 2006

Grand Knight’s Column

 Brother Knights

 I would like to take this opportunity to welcome our 6 new brothers who either joined or transferred into our Council in February and March:

New Members – Thomas Latronica

                            Brenen Irwin

                          Hans Erhd Dahl

                          John Sutten    

Transfers           - Frank Coppa

                           Bernard Diedrich       

We look forward to your participation in our Council’s various meetings and activities.

I would also like to thank Ted Cover who has agreed to become the editor of this newsletter and to announce some new changes in how we will be distributing the newsletter in the future. Effective with the April issue if we have your email address on file we will send your copy of The Sarasota Compass via e-mail. If you would like to receive the newsletter via regular mail please call us at 941-379-4047 and let us know to put you on the regular mail list. This will help us to streamline the production and reduce the expenses to the Council for this newsletter.

I am also pleased to announce that Brother Bob Rivers has agreed to be nominated for Financial Secretary and his application has been sent to Supreme for their approval and appointment.  Also congratulations to Brother Greg Goldstein on his election as Council Recorder.

March begins our annual Lenten Fish Dinners and I want to thank all the members who have signed up to help this year. Your support is very much appreciated.

Fraternally yours in Christ

John Pecilunas, Grand Knight  


Officers, Council #13307


Father George Brennan-----------------------378-1703

Grand Knight

John Pecilunas---------------------------------379-4047

Deputy Grand Knight

Robert Marrah---------------------------------378-9076


Wayne Becker---------------------------------929-3652


Gregory Goldstein ---------------------------371-7088

Financial Secretary

Robert Rivers (Acting)-----------------------378-5132


Ronald Kosey----------------------------------927-5118


Eugene Murphy-------------------------------379-9392


Eugene Murphy-------------------------------379-9392


John Smith-------------------------------------929-9250

Officers, Council #13307 Con’t

Inside Guard

Tom Moak-------------------------------------378-1372

Outside Guard

Reggie Boucher------------------------------- 929-7067


3yr------Edward Sessa------------------------923-8029

2yr -----Chuck Biondolillo PGK-----------922-2290

1yr---—James McBride----------------------342-9917



Knight of the Month

       February  – Ernie Forchetti

       March  -       Peter Pezzati

Family of the Month

    February  – James & Abby McBride

    March  -      Rev Michael & Mary Scheip


Faithful Navigator Report                 

On January 26th, we held our annual Renewal of Vows Ceremony.  Everything went well, and I’d like to thank all the Sir Knights who attended, their wives and the Past Faithful Navigators who took part in the Ceremony;  Namely, Joe Galestro, John Rogge, Sam Perri, Earl Zoll and Don Donovan.  Special thanks go out to Fr. Hamil for acting as the Faithful Friar. 

One disturbing trend was noted, though.  It’s the fact that we had a relatively small amount of Sir Knights in attendance.  A phrase that has been repeated by those Sir Knights who rarely come to meetings or get involved is, “I don’t go to 4th Degree Meetings because they never do anything.”  First off, if we had as busy a Calendar Schedule as the Councils do, there wouldn’t be enough days in the month to do it all.  Secondly, we usually have a below average attendance at not only our Meetings, but our Annual Ceremonies.  The old phrase of “the 4th Degree doesn’t do anything” is being used as a handy excuse for those who really don’t want to get involved or do anything.  As Faithful Navigator, I am very thankful to those Knights who take the big step to become Sir Knights, but we are not here just to collect your annual dues.  Differing from the 3rd Degree, we are the “Patriotic” arm of the Knights of Columbus and we have various events and attend various functions as such.  As with anything in life, “you will get out of it, what you put into it”.  Why not put something into it and see how good it can be for you?

On Feb. 5th, we took part in a Corporate Communion at Incarnation Church, which was attended by Council 3358, the Incarnation Men’s Club and our Assembly.  Unfortunately, I was sick that Sunday and I couldn’t attend, but my Color Corps Commander, Tom Dineen reported that it had a good turnout and was a successful undertaking.  Thanks to all the Sir Knights and Color Corps members who attended; Especially Tom, who continues to do a great job in leading the Color Corps. 

On Feb. 1st, we held a Color Corps Training session at Council 3358’s hall.  Most of our active Color Corps Members showed up and were very surprised at how much they learned.  Thanks to our Instructors that night, there should be no more out of step men marching; no more guessing which way to turn, or stand, or how to hold and carry the Sword.  Under Tom Dineen’s guidance, P.F.N. Don Donovan taught the “Manual of the Sword”, P.F.N. Sal Naimo taught “Proper Marching and Drill Techniques” and P.F.N. Earl Zoll taught the “Proper Procedures for Marching in Church and attending Wakes and Funerals.”

On Jan. 26th with deep sadness, we attended the Wake and Funeral Mass of Mrs. Sharon Packer; Wife of Tom Packer, who has been a Sir Knight since 1966.  Sharon was only 56 years of age when she passed away from Leukemia.

During the months of March and April, our Nominating Committee will be working hard to choose a slate of Officers for our May elections.  If there are any members of our Assembly who wish to take the next step and become an Officer, this is the time to let it be known. 

Please remember to keep your calendars open for our biggest event of the year, the annual “Patriotic Ball”.  This year, it will be held on May 20th, starting at 5:30pm.

 God Bless You All.

Faithful Navigator Mike Boccarossa


Monsignor Elsander Assembly # 0167

Faithful Friar

Fr. Carl Birarelli -----------------------------------------

Faithful Navigator

Michael Boccarossa-------------------------- 921-5919

Faithful Captain

Otto Emerson PGK---------------------------351-3396

Faithful Admiral

Don Donovan PFN----------------------------378-3933

Faithful Pilot

Paul Matera------------------------------------921-1964

Faithful Comptroller

Bob Alloca-------------------------------------342-9984

 Faithful Scribe

 Frank Manfredo PGK-----------------------795-0154

Faithful Purser

Bill Ballard PGK------------------------------925-4373

Monsignor Elsander Assembly # 0167 Con’t

3yr Trustee

Joe Galestro PGK/PFN/FDD----------------923-2584

2year Trustee

     Sam Perri PFN-----------------------------927-2803

1year Trustee

    Sal Naimo PFN-----------------------------922-4088

Faithful Inside Sentinel

Tom Johnson----------------------------------780-2790

Faithful Outside Sentinel

Reggie Boucher-------------------------------751-2439

Honorary Sentinel

Pat Spada---------------------------------------371-5688

Color Corps Commander

Thomas Dineen--------------------------------922-3977


Council #13307 –Ladies Auxiliary 

Dear Ladies:

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Everything is set for the Fashion Show and Luncheon.  Corky has done a great job getting everything in line.  Marie Palazzo has done a wonderful job with the ticket sales and table arrangements.  By the time you read this, the event will be behind us.  I know it will be very successful.

Marie Palazzo is our new Treasurer.  I know she will do a terrific job.  Geri Welch is our new Sunshine Lady, and Loretta Naimo will be in charge of Publicity.

The Knights are having the Fish Dinners every Friday during Lent.  Please try to take advantage of these succulent dinners.  Also, please remember to bake cakes for the Knights Fish Dinners on each Friday during Lent.  It seems like the same few people are the ones to bring the cakes.  They have asked for our help with the desserts.  Please help.  Don't let them down.  If you can't bake one, buy one and bring it to the Parish Center.

Corporate Mass will be on March 19, 2006 at the 11:30A.M. Mass.  Please try to attend.

If you hear of any member that is ill, please notify Geri Welch at 371-8667.  Please pray for peace and for our men and women serving in the military.

God Bless and keep all of you.

Barbara J. Piccione, President 


Knights Of Columbus Insurance

Brother Knights



Most commodities can be bought provided you have 1) the money, 2) can find a willing seller, and 3) can agree on a satisfactory price.  In like manner, most investments--- real estate, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, bank accounts---require only an arm's length agreement and a deal is struck. All it takes is money. There is one notable exception to the above statements. The purchase of life insurance. When the purchase of life insurance is considered, in addition to setting aside dollars, the prospective insured must prove he or she is in good health. If a person is deemed to be "uninsurable," no amount of money will make this commodity available to them.

 The ability to qualify for life insurance is an asset that is temporary at best. Without warning, your health can fail, and you may never be able to add to your insurance program. Other hazards may prevent you from qualifying---occupation, character, even old age. What would happen if you suddenly woke and decided to buy life insurance, but you had lost your ability to qualify for it ?. Ever think about that?. I can tell you about our guarantee purchase option. Think about that! The ability to secure additional insurance, depending on the amount of your option, on a guarantee basis---without necessarily being in good health. This option can be added at issue of a new certificate up through age 37. Find out at your connivance how little it costs to guarantee the right to increase your protection.

CALL ME TODAY, AT  941-776-2902


Fraternally, Ronald A. Foley, Field Agent

K of C Insurance Programs




Nominations Committee

It is that time of the Council Year again and the nominations committee has been chosen and is hard at work preparing to submit their recommendations in April. If you are interested in running for an officers position in the Council please call




Congratulations         Birthdays

March                 Members

David Harting


Frank Mascia


Patrice Faucher


Fred Gibson


Evelio Sardina



Mary Jane Johnson


Bree Carotti


Diane Zavada


Marie Palazzo


April                  Members

Joe Diedrich


Reggie Boucher


Raymond Desrosiers


Fred Gibson


Ernie Forchetti



Patricia Gibbons


Jenni McGinn


Carol Sterlace



Wedding Anniversary


Eugene & Brigitte Murphy


Fred & Joey Gibson


Jack & Jenni McGinn


John & Lisa Smith



Joseph & Diane Parotino


Dominick & Marie Palazzo


Fred & Linda Pupke



If we have failed to list your wife, her birthday (just the month and day,) your birthday, or your wedding anniversary, it just might be that we were never given that information. Please e-mail me or give the info to me at any meeting


Have you spoken to someone this month about becoming a Knight?


Prayer Line

For D,D. Lenny Anzalone--- effects of Stroke

For Evelio Sardina—Prostate Cancer

For Vic D’Amato’s sister Maria LaMarchia with Cancer

For Ed Barham just home from the hospital

For Bob Marrahs  Mother in law Cecile Geddes

For Jack McGinn who has had Eye Surgury

For Marjorie Diedrich with Spinal Stenosis

Ron Kosey’ Father-in-Law- Blood Clot

For our Pope, Benedict XVI

Our men and women of the Armed Services who are in harm’s way

For the Leaders of our Country, that they will seek the paths to everlasting peace.


Sickness or death

If you know or hear of a Brother Knight or members of his family who are sick or have died, please notify:

   John Pecilunas, Grand Knight-----379-4047

   Fr  George Brennan, Chaplain ----378-1703

   Robert Marrah, Deputy G. K.------378-9076

   Wayne Becker Chancellor----------929-3652.



 Some time ago you all received a letter describing the Florida K of C Charities, Inc. Helping Life Fund.  A donation of $15.00 per Knight was solicited.  As of last week, very few from most Council’s have responded.  This is, to some extent, understandable, considering the busy holiday season and its many demands.

However, the people that Helping Life supports have no holiday season from their cares and needs.  Your donation is urgently needed at this time.  Please fill out the form completely and mail it to:

David W. Finch, Secretary

Florida State Council K of C

P. O. Box 263611

Tampa, FL 33685-3611

  When you think of it, $15.00 would hardly put a dent in the cost of a day of golf or a dinner at a local restaurant.  Please open your hearts and your checkbooks.

John Girvin, Regional Coordinator, Florida K of C Charities, Inc



The first two dinners this year have been an outstanding success. Our first dinner on March 3rd had to close early as we ran out of fish. We had a record setting crowd before we closed the doors of 272 people. Out March 10th dinner saw that number rise again to a new record of 311 tickets sold. Special THANKS to all the brothers and their wives who have worked these dinners.


Thank you, to all the brothers who helped collect money for the Handicap Campaign. We collected $1512 at the church. Also we are still in need of additional helpers for Publix on March 25th Please call Brother Ron Kosey at 927-5118 if you can help.


Saint Patrick Knights of Columbus Council 13307  
7900 Bee Ridge Road  * Sarasota  * FL * 34241