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Saint Patrick Knights of Columbus Council - # 13307
October 2005 Newsletter

Chaplain’s Column:

Brother Knights

This month I do want to repeat what has been said before-- that the work the Council does for this Parish is so appreciated by members of the Church and myself. It is my prayer, however, that more of the members help to build the firm base for the Council to ensure its continued existence as a strong Knights of Columbus Council here at St Patrick’s.

I pray now that Our Lord will continue to bless this Council and all members with His presence. May He enter our hearts to dwell within us and may we always honor His name.

May the Blessings of our Lord be ever with you.

Father George Brennan, Chaplain




Welcome to James Sterlace who entered the Council upon taking the 1st Degree on September 7th, 2005


Grand Knight’s Column

 Brother Knights

 It is with great pleasure that it is to be reported that a total of $1200, including Council and Auxiliary donations, has been forwarded to the Florida Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc/ Katrina Relief Fund. Our thanks to all who helped to make this possible.

It was also very gratifying to see all the Knights and their Ladies at our Corporate Mass on Sunday, September 10, in observance of The World Day of Peace. This was the largest participation ever, and I pray that it will continue to grow.

Since our meeting in September, two of our Program Directors have found it necessary to resign their positions due to health and business commitments. We now have three vacancies, Membership Director, Council Director and Youth director. This is a cry for help as these are vital positions that need to be filled. This is your Council, and it takes all of you to make it succeed

Our Third Annual Harvest Moon Dinner Dance is almost here. Let us support all the Brothers who are working to make it a success and get the tickets sold.

Our “Big Show is scheduled for November 4th in the Parish Center and stars Troy Shondell, a singer, musician and entertainer plus. He has three Gold Records to his name and nine Albums, performing throughout the United States and in Europe.

There is a Mass of Remembrance scheduled for November17 that we might honor and pray for our departed Brothers. This will be in the Chapel at 7PM

Also, as we prepare for the Christmas Season, let us strive to keep Christ in Christmas by mailing religious cards to our friends, relatives and neighbors, using Christmas seals on our envelopes, or when we decorate our homes, please include a Christmas Greetings.

Fraternally Yours in Christ

Ozro N. Barclay, Grand Knight.


Officers, Council #13307


Father George Brennan-----------------------378-1703

Grand Knight

Ozro N. Barclay------------------------------ 922-8047

Deputy Grand Knight

John Pecilunas---------------------------------379-4047


Wayne Becker---------------------------------929-3652


Steve Killelea--------------------------------- 377-3175

Financial Secretary

Ernie Forchetti---------------------------------587-7173


Ronald Kosey----------------------------------927-5118


Eugene Murphy-------------------------------379-9392


Robert Marrah---------------------------------378-9076


John Smith-------------------------------------929-9250

Inside Guard

Thomas Dineen--------------------------------922-3977

Outside Guard

Reggie Boucher------------------------------- 929-7067


3yr------Edward Sessa------------------------923-8029

2year---Chuck Biondolillo-------------------922-2290

1year—James McBride----------------------342-9917


Membership Director  vacant


Service Programs:

Program Director—John Pecilunas---------379-4047  

Church Director—Peter Pezzati------------ 379-4648

Community Director –Tom Dineen------   392-3977

Family Director- Paul Mostek-------------343-0599

Youth Director—

Council Director----

Squires—Bob Marrah------------------------378-9076


Dates to Remember:

Sunday, October 16--------------Corporate Mass

                                  11:30 AM (Jackets and Ties)

Monday, October 17--------------Officers Meeting

Thursday, October 20 ------Open Social Meeting

Friday, October 21----------------- --Dinner/Dance 

Saturday, October 22  -------Council Spelling Bee

Oct22/23----------------------------Membership Bltz

 Wednesday, Nov 2----2nd Degree exemplification

Thursday, Nov 3--------Council Business Meeting

Friday, Nov 4------------------------------“Big Show”

Thursday Nov 17 ----------Mass of Remembrance

Sunday Nov 20-------------------Corporate Mass                                                                            

                          7:30 AM (Jackets and Ties)


Fourth Degree, Msgr ElslanderAssembly #0167

Faithful Navigator Report                 

Dear Sir Knights and Ladies

Before I started writing this report, I took a glance at the October Mariner from last year, written by P.F.N Don Donovon. His first sentence was “The 9-11 Mass to honor our fallen Knights, Firefighters, and Police, had a very disappointing turnout.”. There were 20 Knights and Ladies who attended last years Mass. Guess what? Only about 20 attended the Mass this year. Even our Celebrant, Fr Fausto, made a comment about the poor attendance during his sermon. 20 people is less that 4% of our total membership. The tragedy occurred on 9/11/01. By 04 there was already poor attendance. I hate to remind you, but “how soon we forget”. Please try to make a conscious effort to attend these very important functions, because it starts a vicious cycle.

On a lighter note, on Fri Oct 28th, we will be having our Assembly Third Annual “Italian Dinner Night”. P.F.N. Sam Perri is the Chairman once again. I, along with our Officers and other Sir Knights will help cook, serve and clean up. Any additional help is welcomed. The Menu this year includes Baked Ziti w/Meatballs, Italian Bread, Salad w/Dressing and Desert. The cost is $7 for adults and $3.50 for children under 12. As our Assembly grows, thankfully, so does our Color Corps. With three Councils having members in our Assembly, we are starting to have some conflicting events. Recently, on Sunday Sept 10th, Council #3358 held a Corporate Communion at St Martha’s. On the same day, St Patrick Council also held a Corporate Communion. That meant that we had to split the Color Corps Members up, so that we could attend both Masses.  I am not complaining by any means, because the bigger our Family grows, the more Charity work we can do. Hopefully, as we gain new 4th Degree Members, we will also gain more Color Corps members.  It’s a wonderful feeling, when we attend a Wake or a Memorial Mass for a deceased Knight and members of his family tell us that they are so grateful that we are there to honor him. They cannot thank us enough.

Our next 4th Degree Exemplification will be in Orlando at the Marriott Orlando World Hotel on the weekend of Nov 25,26 and 27. Please plan to attend and celebrate with the new Sir Knights.

Have a great month and God Bless you all

 Fraternally, Your Faithful Navigator

Mike Boccarossa


Monsignor Elsander Assembly # 0167

Faithful Friar------------------------------------TBD

Faithful Navigator

Michael Boccarossa-------------------------- 921-5919

Faithful Captain

Otto Emerson PGK---------------------------351-3396

Faithful Admiral

Don Donovan PFN----------------------------378-3933

Faithful Pilot

Paul Matera------------------------------------921-1964

Faithful Comptroller

Bob Alloca-------------------------------------342-9984

Faithful Scribe

 Frank Manfredo PGK-----------------------795-0154

Faithful Purser

Bob Ballard PGK------------------------------925-4373

3yr Trustee

Joe Galestro PGK/PFN/FDD----------------923-2584

Assembly Officers(cont)

2year Trustee

     Sam Perri PFN-----------------------------927-2803

1year Trustee

    Sal Naimo PFN-----------------------------922-4088

Faithful Inside Sentinel

Tom Johnson----------------------------------780-2790

Faithful Outside Sentinel

Reggie Boucher--------------------------------51-2439

Honorary Sentinel

Pat Spada---------------------------------------371-5688

Color Corps Commander

Thomas Dineen--------------------------------922-3977


Council #13307 –Ladies Auxiliary

Dear Ladies

We had a very productive meeting in October; too bad some of you could not be there for one reason or another. After our meeting the Knights invited us to join them for some delicious pizza. We certainly appreciate that they always include us. I dislike sounding repetitious, but it would be nice if we could have more ladies attend our meetings. Please make an effort. We appreciate new suggestions and ideas.

Thanks to Barbara and her co-chair Rosemary and everyone else who pitched in, with their husbands( I won’t mention names for fear I might forget someone) to make our Luau the successful and fun evening. Everyone that won door prizes and those beautiful baskets were so thrilled. The food and dessert was delicious and we all enjoyed the music.

Our next meeting is on Thursday, Nov 3rd at 7:00 PM in the parish hall. –Hope to see you there.

If you haven’t already done so and would like to order a nametag. Please let me know and I will be happy to order one for you.

Congratulations to Jenni McGinn, our lucky 50’50 winner.

Ladies, just a reminder once again to please join your husbands for the “Council Corporate Communion” once a month. It will be held on the Third weekend each month, and will be at a different mass each month. It would be wonderful to show our support to our parish and our council.

Corky Pezzati has everything under wraps for our Fashion Show and Luncheon in March.

Thank you Jenni McGinn our nominating chairlady and Marie Palazzo and Geri Welch for presenting our new slate of officers for the year 2006. The names will be announced next month


Once again, a very special thanks to Marie Becker for finishing the “Angel Quilt”—which is just beautiful, to be raffled off at our “Big Show” in January.

Keep our “under the weather” members and husbands in your prayers. If you know of any member who is ill, please give Josephine Spellman (379-0597) or me (922-4088) a call.

Lets us all pray for peace and all that have perished in the hurricanes and earthquake, our men and women in the services, and for our family and friends.

Three simple rules to find happiness

            Free your heart from hatred

            Free your mind from worries

            Live simply

            Give more

Expect less

 God Bless. Loretta L. Naimo, President


Monthly Insurance Column

Many of our members are approaching the 50’s and many more are over 50 years of age. Some of you have already seen the ravages of not having provided for long term care with your parents and family members. Some have lost all their savings and in some cases their homes, along with any inheritances they would like to leave to their families.

Buying Long Term Care insurance can save you, your spouse and your family from financial and emotional disaster. It might be one of the smartest things you ever do. When considering long term care insurance, think about daily benefit: the maximum daily amount the policy will pay for care; maximum benefit: the total amount a policy will pay ; elimination period: the amount of time you must wait for benefit begins; inflation protection: helps keep your benefit keep pace with the rising cost of living; types of facilities; nursing homes, assisted living facilities and at home care, etc.

Remember Medicaid is a loan, which will have to be repaid at some time and it is different from state to state.

Contact Ron Foley, PGK,FDD ,the Field Agent for you and your council at 941-776-2902 for full details about Long Term Care Insurance.






Daniel Cositore----------------------------------------3

Raymond Parafinczuk--------------------------------4

Robert Rivers------------------------------------------4

Thomas Bedell----------------------------------------7

Michael Ryan-----------------------------------------7

Daniel Kennedy-------------------------------------11

Michael Delaney------------------------------------20

Pat Ferlise--------------------------------------------20

Jeffrey Mase-----------------------------------------20

Joseph Jacco-----------------------------------------28

Fr Carl Birarelli-------------------------------------30

Peter Pezzati-----------------------------------------31



Lynda Kucera-----------------------------------------1

Frances Kerrigan-------------------------------------3

Elizabeth Lassa---------------------------------------9

Loretta Naimo---------------------------------------30

Marie Becker----------------------------------------31




John Wall-------------------------------------------------3

Thomas Dineen------------------------------------------5

Robert Marrah-------------------------------------------5

George Russo--------------------------------------------6

Arthur Castraberti-------------------------------------12

Steve Killelea------------------------------------------13

Gregory Goldstein-------------------------------------17

Edward Sessa-------------------------------------------20

Michael McPartland-----------------------------------29



Chris Boucher-------------------------------------------1

Diana Martines------------------------------------------3

Theresa Lucibello---------------------------------------4

Elizabeth Faucher---------------------------------------5

Numy Sardina-------------------------------------------8

Corky Pezzati------------------------------------------12

Rosa Wall-----------------------------------------------23

Theresa Desrosiers------------------------------------24

Rosalie Ferlise-----------------------------------------30


Wedding Anniversary


Fr Michael and Mary Scheip--------------------------2

Horace and Karen Fichera---------------------------- 3

Peter and Patricia Gibbons----------------------------8

Brian and Fran Tennyson----------------------------12

Steve and Diane Zavada------------------------------12

Wayne and Barbara Peterson------------------------16

Frederick and Sue Price------------------------------18

Robert and Maureen Marrah-------------------------23



Peter and Corky Pezzati------------------------------16

Nick and Rose Cafaro---------------------------------25

Raymond and Theresa Desrosiers-------------------26

Pat and Rosalie Ferise---------------------------------21


If I have failed to list your wife, her birthday (just the month and day,) your birthday, or your wedding anniversary, it just might be that I was never given that information. Please e-mail me or give the info to me at any meeting


Prayer Line

For the victims of both, living and the dead of Hurricane Katrina and Rita; the Earthquake in Pakistan

For the volunteers, police, and military, who rushed to the aid of those victims.

For D,D. Lenny Anzalone--- Stroke

For Evelio Sardina—Prostate Cancer

For Fred Gibson--- Hip operation

For Paul Mostek

For Michael Piccione

For Marueen Marrah—Broken Ankle

 For our Pope, Benedict XVI

Our men and women of the Armed Services who are in harm’s way

For the Leaders of our Country, that they will seek the paths to everlasting peace.


Sickness or death

If you know or hear of a Brother Knight or members of his family who are sick or has died, please notify:

   Ozro Barclay, Grand Knight-------922-8047

   Fr  George Brennan, Chaplain ----378-1703

    John Pecilunas----------------------379-4047

    Wayne Becker-----------------------929-3652


October 20 Social

Brother Tom Dineen, our Pro Life/Respect Life Chairman has arranged for Marina Kopko, Assistant Director, Respect for Life Department of the Diocese of Venice to be our Guest Speaker. As this is an important teaching of the Church, the meeting will be open to members of the Parish.


A note of Thanks

I want to thank you all for your prayers on my behalf. The Lord has certainly heard you. My health has and continues to improve. God Bless you all and may all your holidays be healthy and happy.

With Love and Gratitude

Numy M. Sardina


All things came to be through Him, and without Him, nothing came to be.

                                          John 1:3

 Saint Patrick Knights of Columbus Council 13307  
7900 Bee Ridge Road  * Sarasota  * FL * 34241