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Saint Patrick Knights of Columbus Council - # 13307
September 2005 Newsletter

Chaplain’s Column:

Brother Knights

What did our Lord say was the greatest of all the Ten Commandments? Thou shall not commit adultery? Or, Thou shall not commit murder?, or Thou shall not Steal? No. He said “ Thou shall love thy neighbor as thy self!” but He did not mean that you must love only those families who live at the sides of your home, or those that live across the street from you. He meant that you must love all those with whom you do come in contact,--whether they are of a different race, religion, those who may have wronged you ,(or whom you do believe have wronged you), those whose political beliefs are contrary to yours,--in fact every one that you do meet in your daily life. The Lord teaches us to love one another as He loves us. His love is deep, understanding and forgiving. When we go to him and say that we have done someone wrong, He reaches out to us and forgives us. This is what we must also do. St Matthew 5-48  You are to be perfect, even as your Heavenly Father is perfect”

May the Blessings of our Lord be ever with you.

Father George Brennan, Chaplain




Knight of the Month—

                     Robert G. Marrah

Family of the Month—

      Gerald( Jack) and Jenni McGinn


Welcome to Mark Kuzicki who transferred  from #3358, Our Lady of Victory Council


Grand Knight’s Column

 Brother Knights

Early in the morning of August 29, 2005 a major Hurricane named Katrina roared over the coasts of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and the western part of the Florida panhandle with extremely high winds and storm surge with waves towering in many areas over 25 feet. Many towns and cities were almost totally destroyed and devastated.

A call was made by the Supreme Council for Councils to respond to the cry for help by donating to the Katrina Disaster Relief Fund. Our State Council further requested that each council, if possible, to donate at least $100 or more according to their means. I am so very proud to report that your Council responded with a $200.00 donation accompanied by a $100.00 donation from our Ladies Auxiliary. In addition, your Grand Knight issued a challenge for members of the Council to match or exceed his personal donation of $25.00 to this relief fund. Those of you who wish to accept his challenge may mail your checks to him. These checks should be made payable to the “K of C, Council #13307 .In turn they will be consolidated in one check by our Financial Secretary and Treasurer and mailed to the state accompanied by a listing of all contributors.

It will be interesting just how many members will respond to this challenge remembering that thousands of our Brothers have been affected in the areas devastated by Katrina.

The Council still needs a Youth Activities Director and members to help on the programs the Council is doing. Please give us some of your time and effort.

Fraternally Yours in Christ

Ozro N. Barclay, Grand Knight.


Officers, Council #13307


Father George Brennan-----------------------378-1703

Grand Knight

Ozro N. Barclay------------------------------ 922-8047

Deputy Grand Knight

John Pecilunas---------------------------------379-4047


Wayne Becker---------------------------------929-3652


Steve Killilea---------------------------------- 377-3175

Financial Secretary

Ernie Forchetti---------------------------------587-7173


Ronald Kosey----------------------------------927-5118


Eugene Murphy-------------------------------379-9392


Robert Marrah---------------------------------378-9076


John Smith-------------------------------------929-9250

Inside Guard

    Thomas Dineen----------------------------922-3977

Outside Guard

    Reggie Boucher---------------------------- 929-7067


3yr------Edward Sessa------------------------923-8029

2year---Chuck Biondolillo-------------------922-2290

1year—James McBride----------------------342-9917


Membership Director 

Andrew J. Evans------------------------------586-8634

Service Programs:

Program Director—John Pecilunas---------379-4047

Church Director—Peter Pezzati------------ 379-4648 

Community Director –Tom Dineen------   392-3977

Family Director- Paul Mostek---------------343-0599

Youth Director—

 Council Director----Reggie Boucher------929-7067

 Squires—Bob Marrah-----------------------378-9076


Dates to Remember:

September 15, 2005 Council Social - Guest Speaker

September 17, 2005 Ladies Auxiliary . “Luau”

September 19, 2005 Officers Meeting  

October 6, 2005 Business Meeting

October 16, 2005  Corporate Communion 11:30am Mass

October 20, 2005 Social Meeting

October 21, 2005 HARVEST MOON BALL



Fourth Degree

Faithful Navigator Report                 

Dear Sir Knights and Ladies

Well, my first assembly Officers meeting is now in the past, as is my first Assembly meeting. Both seemed to go well. God certainly answered my prayers. Hopefully, my Faithful Scribe, Frank Manfredo won’t have to remind me to use the gavel so much in the future.

This year, the Padre Louis DeSoto Assembly #1860 in Bradenton hosted our annual Officers Installation on Sunday, July 24th. Four Assemblies were installed. The 4th Degree Master, Sir David Tebo, swore us in. A delicious dinner was served afterward. Our thanks go out to PFN, Joe Acs, who organized the event and Assembly #1860 Vito Bellino , who ran the event.

We will be having two 4th Degree Exemplifications this year. This gives us a chance to induct those candidates who cannot attend the November exemplification. By the time you read this, the first exemplification will have already taken place on August 12-13 in Tampa. I a sure that I speak for all the Sir Knights of our Assembly when I say Welcometo our Twelve New Sir Knights. As I stated loud and clear at my first Assembly meeting,

When you’re Here, You’re Family.

If I only accomplish one thing during my term in office, let it be that we were joined together as one family- The Family of Sir Knights of Assembly #0167


Our next Assembly Officers meeting is on Thursday, September 22 and our next Assembly

meeting is on Thursday, September 22.  Our Annual Assembly 9/11/01 Mass was held on Friday, September 9 at 7:00 PM .So until next month, I am

Fraternally, Your Faithful Navigator

Mike Boccarossa


Monsignor Elsander Assembly # 0167

Faithful Friar------------------------------------TBD

Faithful Navigator

Michael Boccarossa-------------------------- 921-5919

Faithful Captain

Otto Emerson PGK---------------------------351-3396

Faithful Admiral

Don Donovan PFN----------------------------378-3933

Faithful Pilot

Paul Matera------------------------------------921-1964

Faithful Comptroller

Bob Alloca-------------------------------------342-9984

Faithful Scribe

 Frank Manfredo PGK-----------------------795-0154

Faithful Purser

Bob Ballard PGK------------------------------925-4373

3yr Trustee

Joe Galestro PGK/PFN/FDD----------------923-2584

2year Trustee

     Sam Perri PFN-----------------------------927-2803

1year Trustee

    Sal Naimo PFN-----------------------------922-4088

Faithful Inside Sentinel

Tom Johnson----------------------------------780-2790

Faithful Outside Sentinel

Reggie Boucher--------------------------------51-2439

Honorary Sentinel

Pat Spada---------------------------------------371-5688

Color Corps Commander

Thomas Dineen--------------------------------922-3977


Council #13307 –Ladies Auxiliary

Dear Ladies

September rolled around so fast that before we knew it—it was meeting night once again I dislike sounding repetitious, but it would be nice if we could have more ladies attend our meetings, please make the effort. We appreciate new suggestions and ideas.

Thanks to everyone who brought baskets and goodies to fill them for our “Luau” raffle. The Luau is coming up within days of your reading this and I’m hoping that we will have a nice turnout. But I

know one thing for certain, whoever comes should have a great time.

Barbara Piccione has everything under control, and as always is doing a great job chairing the event, with Rosemary Biondolillo as her co-chair.

Our next meeting is on Thursday, Oct. 5th at 7PM in the Parish Center. . Hope to see you there.

If you haven’t already done so and would like to order a nametag, please let me know and I’ll be happy to order one for you

Congratulations to Loretta Naimo, our lucky 50/50 winner.

Ladies, just a reminder once again to please join your husbands for the “Corporate Communion” once a month.  It is held on the third weekend of the month, and will be at a different mass each month, however this month it was held on Sunday September 11th at the request of the Supreme Council  as a Day of Prayer for World Peace.

 It would be wonderful to show our support to our  Parish and to our council  at the different masses.

Thank you, Jenni McGinn for volunteering to chair our nominating committee for next year’s officers. Also to Marie Palazzo and Geri Welch for volunteering to assist Jenni.

A very “special thank you” to Marie Becker for finishing the Angel Quilt—which is just beautiful, to be raffled off at our “big Show in January

Keep our “under the weather” members in your prayers. If you know of any member that is ill, please give Josephine Spellman (379-0597) or me a call.(922-4088)

Let us pray for peace, survivors of the hurricane “Katrina”, our men and women in the service and for our family and friends

Anyone who does anything worthwhile always receives more than he gives.

God Bless. Loretta L. Naimo, President


Congratulations to Chris Boucher, Our Lady of the Month






Michael Capriola--------------------------------------1

Steve Zavada-------------------------------------------2

Ozro Barclay-------------------------------------------4

Rudolph Marmaro-------------------------------------8

Renato Carotti-----------------------------------------13

B. Michael Piccione----------------------------------17



Maureen Goldstein-------------------------------------4

Monica Nilles------------------------------------------13

Geri Welch---------------------------------------------15

Sue Price------------------------------------------------18

Fran Tennyson-----------------------------------------21




Daniel Cositore---------------------------------------3

Raymond Parafinczuk-------------------------------4

Robert Rivers------------------------------------------4

Thomas Bedell-----------------------------------------7

Michael Ryan------------------------------------------7

Daniel Kennedy---------------------------------------11

Michael Delaney--------------------------------------20

Pat Ferlise----------------------------------------------20

Jeffrey Mase--------------------------------------------20

Joseph Jacco-------------------------------------------28

Fr Carl Birarelli----------------------------------------30

Peter Pezzati--------------------------------------------31



Lynda Kucera--------------------------------------------1

Frances Kerrigan----------------------------------------3

Elizabeth Lassa------------------------------------------9

Loretta Naimo------------------------------------------30

Marie Becker-------------------------------------------31


Wedding Anniversary


Ron and Diane Kosey---------------------------------3

Paul and Lynda Mostek-------------------------------5

Robert and Mary Jane Johnson-----------------------6

Albert and Theresa Lucibello-------------------------6

John and Rosa Wall------------------------------------8

Peter and Corky Pezzati------------------------------10

John and Frances Kerrigan---------------------------11

James and Joan Forkin--------------------------------15

Gerald and Monica Nilles----------------------------15

Joseph and Mary Jacco-------------------------------20

Rudolph and Betty Marmaro------------------------23



Fr Michael and Mary Scheip----------------------2

Horace and Karen Fichera------------------------ 3

Peter and Patricia Gibbons------------------------8

Brian and Fran Tennyson-------------------------12

Steve and Diane Zavada---------------------------12

Wayne and Barbara Peterson---------------------16

Frederick and Sue Price---------------------------18

Robert and Maureen Marrah----------------------23


If I have failed to list your wife, her birthday (just the month and day,) your birthday, or your wedding anniversary, it just might be that I was never given that information. Please e-mail me or give the info to me at any meeting


Prayer Line

For the victims of both, living and the dead of Hurricane Katrina

For the volunteers, police, and military, who rushed to the aid of those victims.

For Evelio Sardina’s wife Numy –Liver problem

For Michael Piccione--Results of a coma

For our Pope, Benedict XVI

Our men and women of the Armed Services who are in harm’s way

For the Leaders of our Country, that they will seek the paths to everlasting peace.


Sickness or death

If you know or hear of a Brother Knight or members of his family who are sick or have died, please notify:

   Ozro Barclay, Grand Knight-------922-8047

   Fr  George Brennan, Chaplain ----378-1703

    John Pecilunas----------------------379-4047

    Wayne Becker-----------------------929-3652


September 15 Social.

Joseph Gleason, a member of St Patrick’s, will be our guest speaker. He graduated from Villanova University in 1953. Thereafter, he served 23 years in the U.S. Navy, 21 of which were in submarines. During his career, he was also involved in submarine intelligence operations. He was a Commander of an attack boat (submarine).


Hurricane Disaster Relief

Catholic Charities, diocese of Venice, is working with Catholic Charities USA to initiate Operation Home Away From Home. Venice Catholic Charities is compiling a list of possible temporary placement sites.

Those who are willing to share their homes or rental properties with a displaced person or family should call their local Catholic Charities office at

Main Office, Venice--------------- 941-488-5581

District 1, Sarasota County--- -941-379-5119


Safety for those resettled as well as those who offer shelter needs to be ensured. Therefore, CC will handle intake, processing and case management. The primary need right now is money. In accordance with a request by Bishop Nevins, a special second collection will have been taken in the parish the weekend of 9/10-11

 In the future, as warehouse distribution centers and disaster recovery sites are established in the affected areas through the local Catholic Charities and other agencies, there will be opportunities for our parishioners to donate non-perishable goods.

Gail M. McGrath, Director

Department of Communications

Diocese of Venice


Happy are those who stand before you always and listen to your wisdom

                                     1 Kings 10:8

O’how great would be the blessings

On the life of you and Me

If we lived and loved with Jesus—

In a bond of harmony.


It would be a life of pleasures-

Without hatred ,greed  or strife-

And each day would add contentment

To the sacred joys of life.


There would be no wars or struggles-

To deny us gifts of love-

And we would, forever, prosper

With the Graces, from above.


It would be life attended

By the glories of God’s plan-

If we lived and loved with Jesus,

And in harmony with man.


                                      Michael Dubina




 Saint Patrick Knights of Columbus Council 13307  
7900 Bee Ridge Road  * Sarasota  * FL * 34241