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Saint Patrick Knights of Columbus Council - # 13307
July 2005 Newsletter


Chaplain’s Column:

Brother Knights

St. John 13,2-20 tells us of how Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, washed the feet of his disciples and after drying them with the towel with which he was girded, said to them “ you call me Master and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. If, therefore, I the Lord and Master have washed your feet, you also ought to wash the feet of one another. For I have given you an example, that as I have done to you, so also should you do.”

Every time that I hear of an act or deed that you, my Brothers, do for your Church, Family, Community, and Youth, I am reminded of this particular passage.

It is remarkable how much of an impact you are making upon the Family of St. Patrick’s when you do the works that you do so willingly, ably and lovingly to enhance this Church. By your acts, you are spiritually washing the feet of all members of this Parish.

I would be remiss if I did not take this moment to thank our Ladies Auxiliary for the Lamp Post that they have donated to the welfare of our Family. Like your Brother Knights, you too are living in the spirit of this passage

“ Amen, I say unto you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is one who was sent greater than he who sent him. If you know these things, blessed shall you be if you do them”.

May the Blessings of our Lord be ever with you.

Father George Brennan, Chaplain



Knight of the Month—

                     Gregory Goldstein

Family of the Month—

                      Dominick and Marie Palazzo


Welcome to Joseph Mclead and Thomas Bedell who have transferred into our council in June from Mass. and New York.


Grand Knight’s Column

 Brother Knights

Thanks go out to Chancellor Becker for sending out the forms and a letter to all members so that our records may be up-dated and correct. Please return them as soon as possible.

It is important that Knights of Columbus to remember that a measure of your time be given to the affairs of the council along with your dues. We

Grand Knight Column (cont)

have been fortunate that percentage –wise we do have more participants than other organizations, however, there is an old adage—“many hands make light work”- that could apply in this council. Please make an effort that you do participate according to your time and health.  Many thanks go out to the ones who really put forth such effort.

The ceremony of Installation of Officers is not for just the council officers, but all members and their families are invited to attend. This ceremony is on July 21 in the Parish Chapel at 7:00 PM. Plan on attending.

It is my desire to thank everyone who worked with me last year in bringing the Council to where we are today. Mistakes have been made by me, but luckily one of the Officers caught them before any harm was done. We have made a decided impact upon the Family of St Patrick’s Parish and expect to contribute more this term of office.

There are only two appointed positions left to be filled and they are Family Director and Youth Director. It is my hope that they will be filled within the next two weeks.

Yours in Christ

Ozro N. Barclay, Grand Knight.


4th Degree Assembly #0167

Faithful Navigator Report

Dear Sir Knights

First and foremost, I would like to thank all who supported me in becoming the new Faithful Navigator for the upcoming 2005-2006 term. I believe that we have an excellent team of Officers who were chosen by the Nominating Committee. Together with your help, the Officers and I look forward to an enjoyable and productive year. As Faithful Pilot and Color Corps Commander for the past year, I have had the privilege of working closely with Faithful Navigator Don Donovan, who has done an excellent job of leading our Assembly in a forward direction and has accomplished many goals during his term.

Since the onset of Assembly #0167, our member roster consisted mainly of Sir Knights who were also members of K of C Council #3358, here in Sarasota.  With the population of our area growing so rapidly and the development of new Parish Councils, things have changed in the past two years. We now have Sir Knights who are members of Councils other than Council #3358. Accepting


Faithful Navigator report(cont)

change sometimes is uncomfortable for us , but the “same ole same ole” status quo is not always a good

thing and can inhibit growth. We have been comfortable in knowing all our members by heart, since we see them at our council meetings and social activities.  Meeting and accepting new members outside our council is our Duty ad well as our Privilege as good Sir Knights. It is also tantamount to the longevity of our Assembly. As I said, this is a big change; especially for the many members who have been Sir Knights of our Assembly. Hopefully I the future, our members will be coming from the ranks of many different Councils and we will continue to grow and prosper. To this extent, I urge you all not to think along “Council” lines when referring to other Sir Knights.  The Third Degree is a separate element from the Fourth Degree, although we do share a relationship with them. That relationship is that our Sir Knights come from the ranks of the Third Degree and we are all proud Knights of Columbus.

Hopefully, the upcoming year will be fruitful and with the help of my able staff of Officers and your welcomed input and support, it will be a memorable term for all. Thank you Again and may God Bless you all.

Fraternally yours, Faithful Navigator

                            Mike Boccarossa

Officers, Council #13307


Father George Brennan-----------------------378-1703

Grand Knight

Ozro N. Barclay------------------------------ 922-8047

Deputy Grand Knight

John Pecilunas---------------------------------379-4047


Wayne Becker---------------------------------929-3652


Steve Killilea---------------------------------- 377-3175

Financial Secretary

Ernie Forchetti---------------------------------587-7173


Ronald Kosey----------------------------------927-5118


Eugene Murphy-------------------------------379-9392


Robert Marrah---------------------------------378-9076


John Smith-------------------------------------929-9250

Inside Guard

    Thomas Dineen----------------------------922-3977

Council Officers (cont)

Outside Guard

    Reggie Boucher---------------------------- 929-7067


3yr------Edward Sessa------------------------923-8029

2year---Chuck Biondolillo-------------------922-2290

1year—James McBride----------------------342-9917


Membership Director 

Andrew J. Evans------------------------------586-8634

Service Programs:

Program Director—John Pecilunas---------379-4047

   Church Director—Peter Pezzati---------- 379-4648

Community Director –Tom Dineen------   392-3977

   Family Director----

  Youth Director—

   Council Director----Reggie Boucher-----929-7067

Squires—Bob Marrah------------------------378-9076

Dates to Remember:

July 7----Council Business Meeting

July 17---Corporate Mass—7:30 Mass

July 21 ---Installation of Officers

July 22---Italian Dinner—Parish Hall

Monsignor Elsander Assembly # 0167

Faithful Friar------------------------------------TBD

Faithful Navigator

Michael Boccarossa-------------------------- 921-5919

Faithful Captain

Otto Emerson PGN---------------------------351-3396

Faithful Admiral

Don Donovan---------------------------------378-3933

Faithful Pilot


Faithful Comptroller

Bob Alloca------------------------------------342-9984

Faithful Scribe

 Frank Manfredo  PGK----------------------795-0154

Faithful Purser


3yr Trustee

Joe Galestro PGK/PFN/FDD----------------923-2584

2year Trustee

     Sam Perri PFN-----------------------------927-2803

1year Trustee

    Sal Naimo PFN-----------------------------922-4088

Faithful Inside Sentinel

Tom Johnson----------------------------------780-2790

Faithful Outside Sentinel

Reggie Boucher--------------------------------51-2439

Honorary Sentinel

Pat Spada---------------------------------------371-5688

Color Corps Commander----TBD

Council #13307 –Ladies Auxiliary

Dear Ladies

I’m happy to say that we had a nice turnout for our July meeting in spite of some being on vacation. I dislike sounding repetitious, but it would be nice if we could have more ladies attend our meetings—please make the effort. We can always use your suggestions and ideas.

Barbara Piccone informed us that she is still checking on caterers for our Ladies “Luau “ on Saturday, September 17th. The tickets are all printed and ready for distribution at our next meeting. If anyone needs them before, please give Barbara a call. Remember ladies, please bring baskets and something to put in them for our raffle at our Luau.

And speaking of our next meeting, it is on August 4th at 7PM in the parish hall—hope to see you there.

A very special “thank you “to Chris Boucher for calling everyone to remind them of our meetings and also to remind us of the “Corporate Communion”. I do believe that it has been very successful.

If you haven’t already done so and would like to order a nametag, please let me know and I’ll be happy to order one for you

Congratulations to Barbara Piccione, our lucky 50/50 winner.

Ladies, just a reminder once again to please join your husbands for the “Corporate Communion” once a month.  It will be held on the third Sunday of the month, and will be at a different mass each month. It would be wonderful to show our support to our “council” and to our church at the different masses.

I’m looking forward to the delicious Italian dinner the knights are having on Friday, July 22nd in the parish hall—check the church bulletin for more information—the time is from 5:00 to7:30 PM

See you there! And ladies, please remember to bring dessert; the Knights truly appreciate our help. Thank you

Congratulations to Phyllis Capriola, our “Lady of the Month for June.

Keep our “under the weather” members in your prayers. If you know of any member that is ill, please give Josephine Spellman (379-0597) or me a call.(922-4088)

Let us pray for peace, our men and women in the service and for our family and friends

Don’t do only what you like to do; but learn to like what has to be done.

God Bless. Loretta L. Naimo, President






Michael Mitsdarfer------------------------------------5

Robert Stearns------------------------------------------6

Dominick Palazzo------------------------------------10

Fred Price----------------------------------------------17

Peter Gibbons-----------------------------------------25

Charles Biondolillo-----------------------------------29

Stephen Cork------------------------------------------29

Gilbert Wadina----------------------------------------29

Theodore Martines------------------------------------30



Esther Porcelli ------------------------------------------5

Barbara Piccione----------------------------------------9

Jo Keller------------------------------------------------27




John Smith-------------------------------------------1

Andrew Evans---------------------------------------6

Neil Welch-------------------------------------------9

Alan Faucher---------------------------------------14

Michael Perry--------------------------------------14

Wayne Becker--------------------------------------29

Horace Fichera-------------------------------------29


Mary Scheip-----------------------------------------7

Rosemary Biondolillo-----------------------------12

Lisa Smith-------------------------------------------15

Mary Jacco------------------------------------------16


Wedding Anniversaries


Theodore and Diana Martines---------------------6

Michael and Barbara Piccione--------------------11

Robert and Janet Stearns---------------------------11

Gregory and Maureen Goldstein-----------------13

Edward and Ruth Sessa----------------------------17

Gilbert and Judith Wadina-------------------------29


Martin and Susan Dietrich--------------------------2

Patrice and Elizabeth Faucher---------------------24

Michael and Jo Keller------------------------------28


If I have failed to list your wife, her birthday (just the month and day,) your birthday, or your wedding anniversary, it just might be that I was never given that information. Please e-mail me or give the info to me at any meeting.


Prayer Line

For Peter Sardina’s wife Numy –Liver problem

For Michael Piccione--Results of a coma

For Marge Barclay—Knee operation

For Fred Price’s Brother

For our Pope, Benedict XVI

 Our men and women of the Armed Services who are in harm’s way

For the Leaders of our Country that they will seek the paths to everlasting peace.


Sickness or death

If you know or hear of a Brother Knight or members of his family who are sick or have died, please notify:

   Ozro Barclay, Grand Knight-------922-8047

   Fr  George Brennan, Chaplain ----378-1703

    John Pecilunas----------------------379-4047

    Wayne Becker-----------------------929-3652





Thank God


Thank God for peace—The world cannot give

Nor can it take away the joy that lives

Within our hearts when trails come our way.


Thank God for love—For those who care

To keep his peace on earth,

And for the light within our soul.

Confirming our own worth.


Thank God for hope and the desire

To make a better way to reach the poor,

Rescue the lost,

Search for the ones who stray


Thank God, our Lord—His Son with us

Empowers us to be His voice, His hands,

His peace, His love, hope for eternity.


Anna Lee Edwards McAlpin

 Saint Patrick Knights of Columbus Council 13307  
7900 Bee Ridge Road  * Sarasota  * FL * 34241